Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy:
Occupational therapy is a rehabilitative-therapeutic-educational treatment that is meant to help people be involved in activities that they feel have a purpose, meaning and importance to them, and thus to be actively involved in different situations in their daily lives. In addition, it is meant to advance health, welfare, safety and quality of life through involvement in valuable activities.
At Grabski Rehabilitation Center, the occupational therapy treatments focus on improvement and restoration, for example of the strength in the upper limbs following a stroke, preservation of existing mobility, and adaptive and compensational rehabilitation using assistance apparatuses adapted for each resident individually.
The occupational therapy staff at Grabski perform physical and cognitive diagnoses, provide therapy, perform exercises, and provide advice and guidance to the residents, their families, and to the rest of the therapeutic staff. The treatments take place in the occupational therapy room, the music room and in the communication room.
A taste of the occupational therapy treatments