Speech Therapist
Speech Therapist:
The central purpose of this room is to promote social interaction between the residents using Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems.
The room enables residents who cannot speak or who have verbal difficulties to express themselves using communication systems or vision focusing, to have a group conversation projected onto a screen – using diverse tools: conversation using the Grid program, WhatsApp, Skype…
Various types of content can be shared on one screen, while conversations are held on a different screen. For example, it is possible to share personal photos and YouTube videos, while simultaneously holding a conversation. It is possible to learn as a group – by reading articles or watching Ted talks, sharing content from the internet. It is also possible to chat using various media networks (such as Facebook, WhatsApp) independently.
The room allows many residents to break through technological obstacles, become familiar with various useful programs and apps, to challenge themselves and most of all – to be independent.
Illustration from the media room