Gardening care
Therapeutic gardening is a therapeutic field that is included in the branch of expressive and creative therapy.
It is a powerful tool, which makes use of man's innate tendency towards nature, in order to help him improve the quality of his life physically and mentally.
During the treatment, plants, gardening activities, closeness to nature and the unique experiences it longs for are used, as a helpful tool to promote beneficial processes with the person physically, mentally, behaviorally, socially and cognitively.
Treatment with the help of gardening is suitable for all types of population and can be applied wherever suitable conditions exist for the development of vegetation (soil, water, air and light). A small plot of land, a greenhouse or a lighted balcony can certainly be a sufficient basis for treatment.
The Grabski Rehabilitation Center has a large pleasant and accessible garden.
The garden consists of several activity complexes. Indoor hall, where you can work comfortably at a table. A greenhouse, where delicate or young plants can be given optimal conditions. Raised personal planters, in which each tenant can grow and care for as he sees fit. A fish pond and aquatic plants and plots of ornamental and spice plants, among which are shaded seating areas.
The types of plants growing in our garden are also very diverse. We grow indoor and outdoor plants, edible, spice and ornamental plants, succulents and cacti, seasonal plants, shrubs and trees.
The garden invites diverse and rich activities and everyone works in it according to their wishes, interests, needs and abilities. In our garden you can plant and uproot, rake and dig, thin and prune, but you can also perform more delicate operations such as drying or arranging flowers, separating seeds, making tea infusions or creating with natural materials. And sometimes what is possible or what one feels like is to study at all, immerse in conversation and even just stay in the fresh air, breathe the scents of the plants and the earth and listen to the sounds of the lapping of the water and the chirping of the birds.
A taste of gardening